About me
Hi, I’m David, a software engineer with MSc degree in Information Technology. I graduated from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Polytechnic, which is one of the top universities in Iran; under supervision of Prof. Ahmad Abdollahzadeh Barfourosh. I worked on my Msc thesis in ISLab Laboratory in related to servie evolution in SOA domain with focus on dynamic reconfiguration of SOA-based systems by taking the advantage of Enterprise Service Bus and Event-based broker. After I got my MSc degree, I entered to real working environments. Until now besides research activities I have done several projects of different companies in related to designing and developing software application under different technologies and frameworks. In my roles I have built up both my knowledge and experience of software development and architecture.
Research Interest
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
- Self-adaptive Software Systems / Dynamic Adaptation
- Reinforcement Learning as adaptation approach
- Industry 4.0 and digital transformation / maturity model
- Design Thinking as an useful and best practice human-centered approach to innovation.
Technical Skills
- Traditional Service Oriented Architecture
- Software architecture documentation framework : 4+1
- Web & Web service frameworks : Apache Axis2, .NET Framework, Play
- Enterprise Integration Patterns : WSO2 ESB
- Web scrapping and automation : Selenium framework
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Document plagiarism detection
- I4.0 Maturity Model Development
- Modeling Language : UML
- Programming Languages : Java, C#, python